How to search
This site uses an easy to use step-by-step navigation system which contains various categories. Each category can store a number of sub-categories. By clicking through these categories you can navigate to the information you require. To do so, follow the steps outlined below:
From the main menu (On the left of the site) click one of the top level categories.Sub categories within the option you chose are displayed in the main area of the site.Click on one of these categories to show further sub-categories.If articles are available within a category, summary information regarding the article will be shown.
To return to the category you were in, click the link which appears below the article details.
After clicking a link to an article from either the search results page or a navigation screen, full details of the article you chose are displayed.
All records display the following information:
- Description - A description of the article.
- Keywords - A series of keywords relating to the article, these are used when your search to help the system return more relevent results.
- Museum Ref No. - This is the unique identification number for the article.
Additionally, certain articles will display the following:
Photographs - A photograph will be displayed relating to the article. Please note that the images displayed are not the full size or resolution of the original image, and are only meant to offer a representation of the original.
File Link - Some articles may display a 'file link' this means that there is a related file held within the system. For example, if you search for 'skinner street' the returned record has a database linked to it. To view the linked file, click the link which says 'Download and open attached file'. Remember Poole History Online is growing every week.