Lester Memorial

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Lester Memorial photographed in St. James’ Church, Poole, September 2015

Information included:

In memory of Francis Lester Alderman of this Corporation who died July 8th 1738 Aged 70 Also Rachell his Wife who died January 21st 1768 Aged 85 with Francis, William, Sarah, Susannah and Rachell Five of their Children.
Also John Lester Alderman of this Corporation and Son of the above Francis Lester who Died August 28th 1775 Aged 74.
Also Elizabeth his wife, daughter of William Goldwire Esquire who died November 8th 1770 Aged 84.
Also Isaac Lester Merchant Son of the above Francis Lester who died September 20th 1778 Aged 60.
This Monument was erected by Benjamin and Sarah Lester the only Surviving Children.
Sacred to the Memory of Benjamin Lester Alderman and Late Representative in Parliament for this Town who died 25th January 1802 Aged 78 Years.
Also of Susannah his Wife who died 4th March 1798 aged 76 Years and Susannah their Daughter who died 14th February 1778 aged 21 Years.

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Last updated on 23 Mar 2016 - 15:04

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