Absent Voters- Poole 1918 and 1919

The 1918 General Election gave the right to vote to all men over the age of 21, women over the age of 30 and military personnel over the age of 19. The first list of Absent Voters was compiled and published in 1918 but contained many errors. Servicemen were given another chance to register and a second list was published April 1919. After this lists were published twice a year in Spring and Autumn.
The lists give a name, home address, military service number and regiment, battalion or name of a ship.
This transcription is from the 1918 and 1919 electoral register for Poole and contains over 4000 names.

Fact file
Absent Voters for PHO.xlsAbsent Voters for PHO.xls711 KB


Last updated on 03 Feb 2018 - 10:52

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